Friday, December 17, 2010

With your own small blog created, its time to find blog jobs.

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The ABC has the rivetting news that research from the University of Canberra’s Ruth Wright has found that in the cyclist-driver flame wars some people are just wankers.

The study by the University of Canberra identified both drivers and cyclists who think they have a greater right to the space on the road, and drive or ride accordingly.

“There seems to be a sense of entitlement to the road and to the road space amongst Canberra drivers,” she said.

“The other thing we’re getting a sense of, is there’s possible clashing senses of entitlement amongst different groups of road users.”

But apparently her findings support funding more research in this area, didn’t see that one coming.

Reference research: beauty research and health research and shopping research and recent update

beauty promote

Friday, November 12, 2010

Their efforts are highly valued in return.

Archibold, Randall. (1999, January). As Parents Sweat, 4th Graders Cram for New Test. New York Times, v148 i51397, p. A1

Bracey, G. W. (1992, February). Predicting school success for at-risk children. Phi Delta Kappan, v73 i6, p. 492.

Phelan, Patricia; Davidson, Ann Locke; Cao, and Hanh Thanh. (1992, May). Speaking up: students’ perspectives on school. Phi Delta Kappan, v73 n9, p.695(9).

The following academic journal resources all utilized effective qualitative research methods. This report will identify and describe the approaches and methods taken in these studies to achieve the qualitative research.

The Research Design Symposium is meeting for the last time. The goal of this meeting will be to consider the value of qualitative research. The methodologies used in the studies above address the needed research concerning the matter of standardized tests and the causal relationship they have with anxiety. The approaches that will be discussed are ethnography, phenomenology, and field research. The methods that will be discussed are participant observation, direct observation, and unstructured interviewing.

The term ethnography comes from the field of anthropology. The purpose of this research approach is to study an entire culture. Typically, when one thinks of culture, we immediately think of ethnicity and perhaps location globally. However, recent studies have broadened this understanding to include “any” group or organization regardless of previously mentioned ideologies. The approach of ethnography is most common with the method of participant observation. However, the study listed above did not utilize this method. In fact, the method that the study used was unstructured interviewing. Unstructured interviewing involves direct interaction. The most important aspect about this method is that it does not possess a formal structured instrument or protocol. The interviewer is very “free” to move the conversation as he/she sees fit. I can understand why this method would be used to address research that involves ethnic difference. Sometimes researchers feel the need to direct the interview so that the participant does not feel manipulated and also so that the participant does not become offended by the interviewers assumptions or questions. Although this method is usually more difficult to interpret the interviewed data (because of its lack of structure), it is the broad undertaking that makes this method appropriate for the study.

The second study that used qualitative research used different approaches and different methods. The approach used was phenomenology. This approach has a long history and can be closely linked to the field of Philosophy. However, the purpose of this approach is to emphasize a focus on the participant’s experiences and interpretations of his/her environment. Additionally, the researcher would use this approach to better understand how the world is seen through the eyes of another person. This approach is to establish a “perception” and how the research supports or changes this perception. The method used in this study was direct observation. The researcher used video cameras to observe the phenomenon. The purpose of this method is to observe certain controlled sampled situations. Also, this method is not as long as other methods, and therefore, it tends to be more focused than other types of observations (participant observations). The researcher in this instance is not taking part in this experiment. His/her entire purpose is to be a ghost. Direct observation attempts to keep a distance so as not to bias the observations. For example, on reality shows currently on television, would the participants act different if they didn’t know that they were being watched by millions of people?
The final study mentioned earlier uses the approach of field research. Field research is very broad. The purpose of this approach is to gather qualitative data. Examples of this type of data include in-depth interviewing, direct observation, and written documentation. The researcher embodies himself/herself into the environment of the research. The researcher relies heavily on field notes and extensive use of coding.

The method used in the final study was direct observation. Oddly enough, field research is closely related to the method of participant observation. Participant observation is considered the most common methods of qualitative research. The most important aspect of effective participant observation is that the researcher must be engulfed in the context. It is almost as if the researcher is “under-cover”. The researcher must plan on spending years gathering data. He/she must also be willing to be wait until he/she is accepted within this culture or environment. The acceptance of the researcher is important for the researcher to observe the natural phenomenon as it happens. The researcher becomes a part of the research. This method is very extensive and thorough. This data may also be interpreted later in the form of a “case study”, which is also a qualitative method not used in the three studies presented.

Reference research: finance research and health research and general research and my bookmark page


Tuesday, November 9, 2010


In every era of rapid human development, boundaries that previously were thought to be sacred, have been breached. Embryonic stem cell research is no different. The controversy arises because there is experimentation on living tissue, and some would claim that this brings pain to tissue that already has human life.

This debate rages between those that claim that the good of some cannot be gained by the pain of others. So, currently, the financial resources needed for research are limited because it is a hot issue. To think debate whether government should pay for it, is a delicate topic! It’s not good for election results.

Traditionally, taxes are paid to a government with the intent that the it makes decisions for the group, ensure the safety and wellbeing of the group and spend the accrued money on anything that the people cannot provide for themselves individually. While some would argue that this safety and wellbeing only encompasses the invasion of other countries (war), others would argue that it includes a broad spectrum of services that enhance and contribute to human beings. Ergo, embryonic stem cell research, which would provide healing for many with conditions such as Alzheimer's, 68 different cancers, auto-immune disease and healing the heart muscle, should seriously be considered as a candidate for government funding. Research, currently, is limited as a result of a short supply of. Much needs to be done and the sooner it is done, the more grief and pain will be prevented.

One of the great fears of the general populace that would discourage the government from funding stem cell research is the fear of cloning, that it would increase the difference that already exists between the haves and have-nots. If this fear can be overcome, and the benefits of stem cell research can be sold more positively. Resistance to it might fade. I have found that reasoning attributed to religious strong points often fade in the face of obvious benefits (with no accompanying negatives).

The Big Question
The greatest reason why the government should fund it is that governments were created to act as leaders for the group and to bring to the group those services which individuals cannot provide as a result of lack of sufficient individual resources.

In this instance, however, the question is whether business or government should provide the finance. Perhaps, there’s more than one solution. Perhaps, the government can provide some financial input in return for a portion of the profits. Perhaps, when research is complete, the research company would donate a certain percentage of its new technology to those that live ‘beneath the breadline’.

While, in many instances, health is a personal responsibility, it is unfortunate that few human beings have the capacity to live the way that optimal life styles demand. Illness is, therefore, always a probability or possibility. If governments were created to look after the wellbeing of the people, government should seriously consider investing in research that brings healing to humanity.

Reference research: business research and law research and shopping research and my social page


Friday, November 5, 2010

research methods and statistics

Middle School students love to explore the unknown and share what they have discovered. Take advantage of this natural curiosity about the unknown to develop research and presentation skills. Even reluctant learners get involved when you allow them to research and write about real life unsolved mysteries.

Pre-teaching: Before beginning this hands on project, students must understand the concepts of theories and evidence. It would be wise to choose a topic of your own and complete the project to share with students prior to assigning the project.

Skills Needed: To complete this project, students must be familiar with PowerPoint or any other slideshow presentation tool you choose to use. If they are not already skilled in this area, provide opportunities for students to work with the program.

Search Engines: This project relies heavily on Internet Research. Time must be devoted Internet search techniques.

Assessing web sites: Teach students how to determine if a website is reliable. Use this template or create your own.

Note Taking: Require Middle School students to take notes of their research. Spend time teaching students to paraphrase and summarize what they have read. Use this template or create one of your own for students to use.

Crediting sources: Middle School students don't really understand the importance of crediting their sources. Take the time to teach the basics of citing sources.

Plagiarism: This is a good time to teach about plagiarism. Many middle school students still think that if they change around a few words they are not plagiarizing. Take the time to teach them how to use information without plagiarizing. Make sure you emphasize that using photos created by others must be credited too.

Unsolved Mysteries Project

Provide students with a list of unsolved mysteries to choose from. (See suggested topics at the end of this article). Most students will find a suitable topic on the list. For those who wish to choose their own topic, insist that the topic be approved by you prior to beginning.

Minimum Requirements:
Slide 1: Title slide containing the "unsolved mystery", student name, and date.
Slide 2: Introductory slide: The mystery must be introduced with an explanation of why it is a mystery. This should include a statement of opposing views or beliefs.
Slide 3: Supporting theories
Slide 4: Opposing theories
Slide 5: Evidence (photos, news reports, witnesses, police reports)
Slide 6: Conclusions, which includes the student's belief based on the information provided in their project.
Slide 7: Credits

Special thanks to Ruth Sundra who designed a similar group projects for 4th and 5th grade. The project outline shared here has been designed for middle school students to complete individually to demonstrate mastery of core skills while researching topics of interest to them.

Suggested Topics

Big Foot/Yeti
Loch Ness Monster
Life-after-Death Experiences
Psychic abilities
Alien Abduction
Shadow People
How the Pyramids Were Built
Bermuda Triangle
Out-of-Body Experiences
Mayan Calendar (end of the world)
Time Travel/Time Slips
Spontaneous Human Combustion
Psychic Healing
Crop Circles

Add topics that fit the interests of the particular group you are working with. For 8th graders, the more bizarre, the better. Allow plenty of class time for research and for creating the slide show. Setting specific due dates for each portion will curtail misuse of time.

Your middle school students just may astound you with their final project. Not only do they get involved in their individual project, they are eager to learn what their classmates have discovered, too.

Reference research: beauty research and health research and sport research and my bookmark page

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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Thats the wonder of blogging.

Moo cards for blogging workshop by Mexicanwave

Promoting Associated Content (AC) articles, or for that matter any website or article, using links from a blog can work very well to increase search engine ranking and page views in general. In regards to Associated Content, it can also assist in preventing indexing issues.

Promoting Articles Using Blogger: How to Get Started

The first thing to do is to create a free blogger account and set up your blog. This includes creating a color scheme and a style, as well as a title for your blog. Overall, what matters here is that the color scheme chosen is friendly to the eye and not overly specific. In particular, avoid blue text on a black or grey background. Another important aspect of setting up the blog is to make sure that 'Let search engines find your blog?' option is set to 'yes' within the blog settings.

Promoting Articles Using Blogger: Getting the Blog Listed on Search Engines

The primary method of getting the blog listed on Google and other search engines is to have enough content that they will take notice of the site. One way to achieve this is to create blog posts with links to your article alongside a small discussion of what the article is about and the experience of writing it. After a while of this, Google and other search engines will deem the blog worth indexing and it will begin appearing in searches. Furthermore, any links it gives to another page will improve that pages ranking in search engines. This means that articles written on associated content or webpages linked to will appear higher up in search rankings due to having a backlink from a blog.

Promoting Articles Using Blogger: Improving the Quality of the Backlink

When Google calculates how much a page will weigh in search engine rankings when it provides backlinks to articles, Google uses a number of methods. The first is content, the more general content a web page has the more it is worth when creating backlinks. The second is how often it is updated; a blog that has content added regularly will rank higher than one that is ignored. The third is how often it is visited, so a blog that is visited often is worth more. Ways of getting more visitors to a blog include creating a link in an AC profile page and linking participating in the blogger community by posting to other blogs.

Source article: online blogging class and online blogging sites and Online Blogging and Famous Blogger and online blogging class

Monday, November 1, 2010

research and development

The Seattle Biomedical Research Institute is doing research on malaria vaccines. They are wanting to find out if the vaccines work. Since they do not know if the vaccines work, they are looking for volunteers who will try the vaccines and then hold a cup of mosquitoes that are infected with the most deadly form of malaria to their arm so they are bitten. This study is a continuation of a study that start at Walter Reed Army Institute of Maryland is is funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Since people are being asked to be infected with malaria, this brings up all kinds of ethical questions. First of all, would these people get seriously ill and even die? According to the researchers this would not happen and people would only have flu like symptoms for about a single day.

However, while the researchers may be able to try to control the mosquitoes to the best of their abilities, it is uncertain that these people may not have some type of allergic reaction or end up getting some type of disease or other infection from the mosquitoes.

Also, would malaria spread if these people are out in the community? Researchers say that the malaria will not get to a point where it is infectious from person to person. Most likely this is true since they know the research that has already been happening.

Of course, the volunteers are given $2,000 for participating. The researchers have said that this is mainly compensation for missing work or replacing funds used to get to the site and any other costs volunteers may incur.

While this sounds a little bit on the dangerous sides, there are benefits as a whole. People really do care about others in third world country who are often infected with malaria and do not survive because vaccines do not exist and they cannot afford the medication. Thus, people who want to make sure that vaccines will be available to these people may have an urge to volunteer for this program.

While I like the idea of getting vaccines to people in third world countries, no amount of money would make me go get a vaccine that may or may not work and be infected with a possibly deadly disease. While I know that only flu like symptoms should occur, I would be scared that something would go wrong.

I want to live my life and not be willingly infected with a disease. I would be scared that I'd have something in my body or have some type of reaction either to the vaccine or to the disease that would end my life suddenly.

While I know that I can't control the length of my own life, I can try to take care of myself so I have a good life. I want to be able to spend time with my friends, my family, and my dog. If anything were to happen because of this, the money, no matter how much of an amount, would not do me any good. While it could help my family, it would not ease the pain of the loss.

I'd rather earn my money honestly than making myself into a medical guinea pig.

Reference research: finance research and law research and general research and recent update

Social Bookmark Button

Thursday, October 28, 2010

research methods in anthropology

The Seattle Biomedical Research Institute is doing research on malaria vaccines. They are wanting to find out if the vaccines work. Since they do not know if the vaccines work, they are looking for volunteers who will try the vaccines and then hold a cup of mosquitoes that are infected with the most deadly form of malaria to their arm so they are bitten. This study is a continuation of a study that start at Walter Reed Army Institute of Maryland is is funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Since people are being asked to be infected with malaria, this brings up all kinds of ethical questions. First of all, would these people get seriously ill and even die? According to the researchers this would not happen and people would only have flu like symptoms for about a single day.

However, while the researchers may be able to try to control the mosquitoes to the best of their abilities, it is uncertain that these people may not have some type of allergic reaction or end up getting some type of disease or other infection from the mosquitoes.

Also, would malaria spread if these people are out in the community? Researchers say that the malaria will not get to a point where it is infectious from person to person. Most likely this is true since they know the research that has already been happening.

Of course, the volunteers are given $2,000 for participating. The researchers have said that this is mainly compensation for missing work or replacing funds used to get to the site and any other costs volunteers may incur.

While this sounds a little bit on the dangerous sides, there are benefits as a whole. People really do care about others in third world country who are often infected with malaria and do not survive because vaccines do not exist and they cannot afford the medication. Thus, people who want to make sure that vaccines will be available to these people may have an urge to volunteer for this program.

While I like the idea of getting vaccines to people in third world countries, no amount of money would make me go get a vaccine that may or may not work and be infected with a possibly deadly disease. While I know that only flu like symptoms should occur, I would be scared that something would go wrong.

I want to live my life and not be willingly infected with a disease. I would be scared that I'd have something in my body or have some type of reaction either to the vaccine or to the disease that would end my life suddenly.

While I know that I can't control the length of my own life, I can try to take care of myself so I have a good life. I want to be able to spend time with my friends, my family, and my dog. If anything were to happen because of this, the money, no matter how much of an amount, would not do me any good. While it could help my family, it would not ease the pain of the loss.

I'd rather earn my money honestly than making myself into a medical guinea pig.

Reference research: research Dr. and home research and shopping research and my bookmark page


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

research medical center

I am a veteran. I was in the U.S. Army for three years, and, during that time, served in the Vietnam War. Also, I have a couple of long-standing illnesses. Nothing is currently threatening my life but I do have medical considerations. Both of these situations have put me in the position to participate in research projects. Should a person participate in a research project?

Are there results that make participating in a study worthwhile; yes! The VA alone has developed artificial limbs for amputees; invented the cardiac pacemaker; performed the first successful liver transplant and developed the nicotine patch to name just a few accomplishments. ((DVA ORCA 1B 10-54 page 3)

A research study is a study about a certain medical condition, or procedure, or effect of medication. It may be one of many different approaches to solving a problem that affects human beings.

People participate in studies to find cures for illnesses; to find better care; and, to battle an illness in which a person may have a particular interest, or indeed, may suffer from.

When considering whether or not to participate in any particular study, it is necessary to know that there may or may be direct benefits to you. There may be a benefit regarding a medical condition you may have, or, in some cases, you may be paid to volunteer. However, hand in hand with that, there may be risks and side effects when participating is a study.

There are many, many questions that a person should ask before participating in a study. Just a few are; "Who is doing the study and why?" "What tests and procedures will be done?" "What can happen to me good and bad if I participate?" "Will I be paid anything?" "Will I be told the results of this study?" "Is it possible I will receive a placebo?" "What happens if my condition gets worse?" (DVA ORCA 1B 10-54 page 11) These are just some of the questions that it makes sense to ask.

You should always make sure that there is comprehensive attention given to "Informed Consent", which is a point where you, as the participant, are given complete information about the study so that you can make an intelligent decision as to whether or not you should participate.

Finally, it is important to know who may see the results. Typically, the results will only be seen by researchers as part of the study. However, I have learned, especially in studies where you are paid, that the results may be sold; it is important that you know too whom the information might be given or sold.

Research studies are most important to mankind. We learn about diseases and quality of life. Further, you never know when a project you participate in may help you or someone in your family. However, as noble as this cause is, it is always important to be diligent in your research about the research.

Reference research: business research and computer research and travel research and my bookmark page

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research triangle park

Archibold, Randall. (1999, January). As Parents Sweat, 4th Graders Cram for New Test. New York Times, v148 i51397, p. A1

Bracey, G. W. (1992, February). Predicting school success for at-risk children. Phi Delta Kappan, v73 i6, p. 492.

Phelan, Patricia; Davidson, Ann Locke; Cao, and Hanh Thanh. (1992, May). Speaking up: students’ perspectives on school. Phi Delta Kappan, v73 n9, p.695(9).

The following academic journal resources all utilized effective qualitative research methods. This report will identify and describe the approaches and methods taken in these studies to achieve the qualitative research.

The Research Design Symposium is meeting for the last time. The goal of this meeting will be to consider the value of qualitative research. The methodologies used in the studies above address the needed research concerning the matter of standardized tests and the causal relationship they have with anxiety. The approaches that will be discussed are ethnography, phenomenology, and field research. The methods that will be discussed are participant observation, direct observation, and unstructured interviewing.

The term ethnography comes from the field of anthropology. The purpose of this research approach is to study an entire culture. Typically, when one thinks of culture, we immediately think of ethnicity and perhaps location globally. However, recent studies have broadened this understanding to include “any” group or organization regardless of previously mentioned ideologies. The approach of ethnography is most common with the method of participant observation. However, the study listed above did not utilize this method. In fact, the method that the study used was unstructured interviewing. Unstructured interviewing involves direct interaction. The most important aspect about this method is that it does not possess a formal structured instrument or protocol. The interviewer is very “free” to move the conversation as he/she sees fit. I can understand why this method would be used to address research that involves ethnic difference. Sometimes researchers feel the need to direct the interview so that the participant does not feel manipulated and also so that the participant does not become offended by the interviewers assumptions or questions. Although this method is usually more difficult to interpret the interviewed data (because of its lack of structure), it is the broad undertaking that makes this method appropriate for the study.

The second study that used qualitative research used different approaches and different methods. The approach used was phenomenology. This approach has a long history and can be closely linked to the field of Philosophy. However, the purpose of this approach is to emphasize a focus on the participant’s experiences and interpretations of his/her environment. Additionally, the researcher would use this approach to better understand how the world is seen through the eyes of another person. This approach is to establish a “perception” and how the research supports or changes this perception. The method used in this study was direct observation. The researcher used video cameras to observe the phenomenon. The purpose of this method is to observe certain controlled sampled situations. Also, this method is not as long as other methods, and therefore, it tends to be more focused than other types of observations (participant observations). The researcher in this instance is not taking part in this experiment. His/her entire purpose is to be a ghost. Direct observation attempts to keep a distance so as not to bias the observations. For example, on reality shows currently on television, would the participants act different if they didn’t know that they were being watched by millions of people?
The final study mentioned earlier uses the approach of field research. Field research is very broad. The purpose of this approach is to gather qualitative data. Examples of this type of data include in-depth interviewing, direct observation, and written documentation. The researcher embodies himself/herself into the environment of the research. The researcher relies heavily on field notes and extensive use of coding.

The method used in the final study was direct observation. Oddly enough, field research is closely related to the method of participant observation. Participant observation is considered the most common methods of qualitative research. The most important aspect of effective participant observation is that the researcher must be engulfed in the context. It is almost as if the researcher is “under-cover”. The researcher must plan on spending years gathering data. He/she must also be willing to be wait until he/she is accepted within this culture or environment. The acceptance of the researcher is important for the researcher to observe the natural phenomenon as it happens. The researcher becomes a part of the research. This method is very extensive and thorough. This data may also be interpreted later in the form of a “case study”, which is also a qualitative method not used in the three studies presented.

Reference research: finance research and health research and travel research and my bookmark page

Js Social Bookmark Script

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Technorati Newyork construction accident


Monday, February 22, 2010

New York Construction Accident: New York Workers Compensation Lawyer Can Fight For the Compensation of the Employee

Under New York law, every employer must purchase insurance. This type of insurance must be purchased in order to provide compensation to workers in case of accidents at work. The insurance covers medical care needed. At the same time, insurance and restore functions lost wages.It workers in New York, the lawyer for compensation to act on compensation for the employer to provide financial protection for employees. This financial protection for employees who are injured on the job. In addition to financial compensation, the Workers' Compensation Attorney in New York also expects employees to appropriate health care, the injured employer.

An can always sue for damages. But this is a process can be very difficult and time consuming. Requests for property damage can always be denied or reduced, or even finished. In such cases, the employee will be permitted to attend hearings in court. Employer may hire a lawyer for a defense firm to make every effort to make an official complaint false.In a situation, the employee is required to take the New York Workers Compensation Lawyer. This is a lawyer who knows the laws for workers. Thus, the lawyers will do everything possible to pay tribute to the individual.

Lawyers finally able to get, New York Construction Accident, compensation for the worker employer.New York Workers Compensation Lawyer fights for credits in the following cases. They include compensation for injuries such as back problems, mental health problems, carpal tunnel syndrome, stress and related problems. Compensation may be claimed by disorders related to traumatic stress and other injuries in the workplace, because the victims may have lost. Along with this, it can also receive compensation from injuries or illnesses can be caused due, New York Construction Accident, to the reduction of security and health centers in employees.

Not poor quality of work, all employees are aware of their rights. Most of them do not know where those who can claim compensation for the employer. Consequently, they suffer great losses. Therefore, you should contact the New York Workers Compensation Attorney, who is well aware of the rights of workers. To help employees know their rights and the struggle for justice employee.An employer who paid the cost of insurance for workers, no doubt, will give workers comp. Otherwise, the employee must call in the remuneration of lawyers in New York.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

New York Construction Accident: Marc j Bern Knows How to Help You through Your Legal Situation

Many people think they can get through the legal problems without a lawyer, and even if some of these people may be correct, do not hire a lawyer is a very risky choice for most people. In most cases, it is clear that the need to hire a lawyer, these situations are more serious acts, and has been arrested or accused of committing serious crimes such as driving while drunk, but even with this type, New York Construction Accident, of activity people who are trying to represent themselves judge. Introduction of yourself can be one of the poorest choice you make, and perhaps the main factor that you lose your case.

When you have cases that are brought to court must be made, who knows what they said, and in many cases, this is not the average citizen. Most people turn a blind eye, New York Construction Accident, to what happens in court, and not in a position to help themselves by weight, even the simplest legal. If you are trying to decide if you need to hire a lawyer for better questions to ask what happens if he wins his case? What is at risk you are taking? What to do if you lose your case? Your work to suffer? You can lose money? Your credibility is at risk? If you answered yes to any of these questions may be time for you to have a lawyer.

There are things that you do not need a lawyer, and some of these things may be less serious offenses such as parking fines, but may have to pay a few dollars for a ticket for parking facilities, no need to go to court If you continue accumulating tickets. Another question will be asked to decide whether to hire a lawyer if you, New York Construction Accident, have to do time in prison after he has committed a crime. If yes, then you should definitely hire a lawyer. If you have decided that the best option for you is to hire a lawyer, you should look around your area for legal practice.

There are many great practices all over the country with striking lawyers will be able to help, but there are a lot of practice, just outside the door. Marc J. Bern, a lawyer in New York, assists its clients in a number of different types of legal situations. One of the most common situations that sees Mark J Berne clients in medical malpractice, accidents, construction and automobile accidents. Attorney Marc J. Bern is one of the best lawyers in the country and are ready to help if there are legal problems.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

New York Construction Accident: Three New York Construction Workers Settle Injury Claims for $3.85 Million

Three men, who work in hazardous work sites received a large settlement of their claims for accidents in construction in New York. People of all undocumented workers in the workplace in the city of New York and three serious injuries at work. Two of them suffered disabling injuries when the lower part of their bodies were crushed by falling objects. A third man was burned when the hose broke while I was working on plumbing in the construction of three site.According Wall Street lawyer, Brian O'Dwyer, "The three cases involve the construction and terribly dangerous working conditions.

" Indeed, this case is no exception for the experience of many undocumented workers, most undocumented workers are, New York Construction Accident, forced to work in conditions of risk or danger of losing their jobs. This is an alarming trend seems to be growing in the United States, as the construction is more difficult to find among the national economic crisis. Of course, dangerous working conditions will inevitably lead to more accidents in the construction, a sad and terrible for many of those involved in the construction field.

Executive director Joel Magallan of Asociacion Tepeyac, an immigrant advocacy group, said that although construction work is often dangerous, not - tools that can operate in places that do not have adequate safety equipment, OSHA compliance and need warning. According to some studies, such as local authorities, researchers and national non-profit, the abuse of workers at construction sites are widespread. Light, among which are seriously affected by debilitating or life-threatening injuries due to unsafe working conditions particularly high number of immigrant workers represented.

In claims recently built for developers and building, New York Construction Accident, owners of the site can have a bright side Tradgedy, what happens often in dangerous construction projects. With the victories of three undocumented workers, the possibility for workers who are injured as a result of construction work to receive just compensation is higher. Three people received a total of 3.85 million U.S. dollars for damages including, say it will be used to support their families, pay for costly medical expenses, accidents or continue an accident site remain dreams.

Construction more dangerous, despite the security improvements in almost all sectors. These injuries can be serious or life-threatening injuries. Moreover, workers compensation insurance can not provide enough to cover medical expenses, spending and debt outstanding, which may have accumulated during the recovery time. E 'therefore important that employees who have been injured in an accident, New York Construction Accident, at a construction site to seek redress through appropriate channels such as contact with a construction accident lawyer, when you have an established legal

Friday, February 19, 2010

New York Construction Accident: Personal Injury Lawyers New York Understand That You Want To Get Your Case Over With

If you were injured by the negligence of someone else might be entitled to compensation. When deciding what to do to remember that there are usually three options for the former that he could hire a personal injury lawyer in New York and report the charge, his second option would be to hire a personal injury lawyer in New York and try to negotiate with the company in other parts of the insurance. Although this may seem like a great method because it is settled out of court, is not always better, because they are often forced to accept much less than, New York Construction Accident, you deserve.

The reason for this is because insurance companies understand that seeking compensation in the shortest time possible, and often it is more likely if the case is outside the court. Third Way, which could properly dispose of their personal injury is to treat yourself and deal with the insurance company itself. Many people try to do it, but realize they are much less likely, the lawyers for damages in New York deserve.Personal understand that people can seek compensation for personal injury a number of reasons.

This claim for personal injury can cause a variety of things, from someone to slip and fall on solid ground, because the, New York Construction Accident, area had just been destroyed and he was familiar, accident rates, or may even be able to get compensation if you or mental disorders suffer the consequences of what happened. This is often a matter of personal injury, because not only is hurt physically, but there are good chances of suffering from the impact, if it's memories, or because the trauma, therefore, can not work.

In any case, you should contact a personal injury lawyer in New York, will be able to help. Many personal injury lawyers have extensive experience in personal injury and will be able to get what you deserve.It important to remember that once you get hurt, it's important to start documenting your case, even if they have submitted plans for the application. This is because all this will be very important for the future, it is vitally important for you to win business. This includes all photos, videos,, New York Construction Accident, get the names of witnesses, if any.

Also, when you go to the doctor or hospital, it is important to keep all these documents, because it will help long term with you.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

New York Construction Accident: Career Talk: A Day In The Life Of A Lawyer

The lawyer is a person authorized by the state or country to practice law, give advice to their clients and represent their legal matters in court. In accordance with the classes or series of jurists lawyers can be appointed as a lawyer, prosecutor, lawyer, counselor and advocate. Consultant for the study of law and enactment of new laws on a regular basic course, in order to protect their customers. The funds for the development of the career of law, protection of freedom of its customers and rights.

A Day In The Life Of A Lawyer.1. Ready for the trip: lawyers spend most of their time in offices and meeting rooms. They, New York Construction Accident, travel to Participate meet our customers wherever they are and homes, workplaces, including ambulances to hospitals and state or federal prisons can be quite regular visits to the scope of the right to counsel. They also organized a series of meeting places and gather evidence or to present his case in court, legislature or other senior officials law.

2. Irregular working hours may become the norm: lawyers often have irregular working hours and working conditions, even for a few hours discussing with customers and preparation of letters of office for a period not hours.3. Back to the study of ad: the lawyer is also known as a lawyer acting as a lawyer and consultant for the company. The lawyers represent one of their clients in criminal or civil, discuss and present evidence in court to defend his client. In addition, the consultants to advise customers about your business and personal legal matters.

All lawyers, whether lawyer or a consultant to study the impact of laws and judicial decisions, will be used in critical circumstances faced by their customers. The most important aspect is that the work of a lawyer depends largely on their own field of specialization and position. All this requires a continuous studying.Types lawyers: There are isolated from specialist areas such as the lawyer. This list is not exhaustive but includes some of the most popular will be able to specialize if lawyer.

Immigration become a lawyer,, New York Construction Accident, wrongful death, transportation, taxes, software, security, social values, personal injury lawyers, Patents, homes care, mesothelioma, medical negligence, malpractice, litigation, international insurance, injury, fraud, employment, DWI, DUI, divorce, criminal defense, construction, business, compensation, car accidents , bankruptcy, car accidents, assaults and lawyers asbestos. Become LawyerTo become a lawyer must attend law school to college or university after high school.

There are some online law schools that, New York Construction Accident, offer full Juris Doctor [JD] programs that do not require the adoption of the Law School Admission Test [last]. Do not leave work to become a lawyer. JD There are special programs for students who are interested in working at the same time, conducting education research in their spare time.Simply Internet by searching on keywords "law degree or Juris degree online from home" , quoted keywords.Submitted Chad McDonald for those who counsel acting in New York or search the Web for lawyers

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

New York Construction Accident: Wrongful Death Following a Car Accident

Every year there are about 41,000 deaths in road accidents in the United States. Most accidents are preventable and caused by the wrongful conduct of another, defective vehicles, or dangerous driving. After the accident, injury and pain, often promote the idea of submitting an appeal beyond the mind to the bereaved family. Although you can not bring family members to submit applications manslaughter after a car accident, a little way to start rebuilding their lives and who seek the closure of its loss.

The causes of accidents Although there are several factors that make a car accident, even worse, weather, road conditions, etc., then usually one of the main causes of road accidents: the Office of negligence or carelessness or driving excessive speed infringement distracted by drugs or alcohol, after the final cause of the accident is determined, as a rule, fairly easy to, New York Construction Accident, identify those responsible and bring them to justice. Wrongful death determination by a legal standpoint, the wrongful death of all deaths caused by negligent actions of another.

Most, if not all, accidents are, who is responsible. The behavior of the owners of trucking companies that push their drivers be builders of defective vehicles or equipment, construction equipment does not mean that hazardous road conditions and dangers in filing a successful claim of the death was unjust, that consists of two parts: the proof of death had been caused by negligence of the assets of a person should be sufficient to cover credit, insurance, for example, after investigating a fatal accident, as a rule, the documentation, New York Construction Accident, is very complete, and police and early intervention is vital for any occasion.

When possible, the study may require additional expenses of witnesses and survivors, who often experience painful. After overcoming the loss of a loved one, I have to do with headaches and pains to bring a lawsuit for, New York Construction Accident, wrongful death. It is important to hire a lawyer experienced in a car accident, which lets you manage all the documents and ensure compliance with any statute of limitations, if necessary. Defendant in fatal accidents is often much deeper than their pockets of the unfortunate victims.

If the insurance companies, trucking companies and manufacturers of defective vehicles or parts of the back, which will all self-defense. At one point, their lawyer or regulatory requirements will contact you a few things to remember when you do: do not recognize any crime, not to discuss your views on the causes of action than hire a lawyer as soon as can to protect their

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

New York Construction Accident: Career Talk: A Day In The Life Of A Lawyer

The lawyer is a person authorized, New York Construction Accident, by the state or country to practice law, give advice to their clients and represent their legal matters in court. In accordance with the classes or series of jurists lawyers can be appointed as a lawyer, prosecutor, lawyer, counselor and advocate. Consultant for the study of law and enactment of new laws on a regular basic course, in order to protect their customers. The funds for the development of the career of law, protection of freedom of its customers and rights.

A Day In The Life Of A Lawyer.1. Ready for the trip: lawyers spend most of their time in offices and meeting rooms. They travel to Participate meet our customers wherever, New York Construction Accident, they are and homes, workplaces, including ambulances to hospitals and state or federal prisons can be quite regular visits to the scope of the right to counsel. They also organized a series of meeting places and gather evidence or to present his case in court, legislature or other senior officials of the law.

2. Irregular working hours may become the norm: lawyers often have irregular working hours and working conditions, even for a few hours discussing with clients or the preparation of relevant documents on the case during non office hours. 3. Back to the study of ad: the lawyer is also known as a lawyer acting, New York Construction Accident, as a lawyer and consultant for the company. The lawyers represent one of their clients in criminal or civil, discuss and present evidence in court to defend his client.

In addition, the consultants to advise customers about your business and personal legal matters. All lawyers, whether lawyer or a consultant to study the impact of laws and judicial decisions, will be used in critical circumstances faced by their customers. The most important aspect is that the work of a lawyer depends largely on their own field of specialization and position. All this requires further research. Bar types: there are designated to specialize in areas such as the lawyer. This list is not exhaustive, but includes some of the most popular will be able to specialize in the event of becoming a lawyer.

An immigration lawyer, wrongful death, transportation, taxes, software, security, social values, personal injury lawyers, patents, nursing homes, mesothelioma, medical malpractice, malpractice, litigation, international insurance, personal injury, the fraud, employment, DWI, DUI, divorce, criminal defense, construction, business, compensation, car accidents, failures, automobile accidents, assaults and changes lawyers.How asbestos LawyerTo become a lawyer, should be allowed to attend school to college or university after high school.

There are some online law schools that offer full Juris Doctor [JD] programs that do not require the adoption of the Law School Admission Test [last]. Do not leave work to become a lawyer. JD There are special programs for students who are interested in working at the same time conducting education in their spare time. Just do more research on the Internet by searching on keywords "law degree on line" or "the degree of Juris house" with the quotes around the word.

Monday, February 15, 2010

New York Construction Accident: Fewer Construction Jobs Lead to Fewer Construction Accident Deaths

The main economic recession led to a significant reduction in demand for construction projects, both residential and commercial. If the property was one of the most desirable for investors in the past, property values have fallen, prices have dropped and many new houses sitting vacant. Entrepreneurs are trying to find buyers or renters, with the hope of any source of income, construction workers and skilled artisans have found work, which used to be in great demand. The number of new construction projects in the United States has declined, and the works are projects submitted competitive.

Though construction equipment was less may be some silver lining in the midst of the storm. August 20, Bloomberg News reported that the death at work has fallen to its lowest level in 16 years, 10 percent in 2008. This is probably due to a reduction in employment in hazardous sectors such as commercial construction. While the death rate by manufacturers dropped by 20 percent from 2007, spending on construction projects fell by 5 percent. According to the report, traffic accidents were responsible for the greatest number of deaths in the construction deaths.

Though accidents at work fell in 2008, workers still need to be aware of potential safety hazards in the workplace. Was still a lot of construction of high-profile deaths in recent months. More recently, a man fell to his death in Branson, Missouri, during the work on creation of the reservoir in ethanol. Another worker fell to his death, while evidence of potentially improper stage of the Assembly in Brooklyn, New York. According to a report in The New York Times, string section Off, which separates the wooden wall on the fifth floor.

The worker fell from the roof of the first floor and died.It is often the case that accidents can be avoided by building simple carelessness, New York Construction, New York Construction Accident, Accident, and honest effort to protect all employees in the workplace. tragic reality, however, that security is often the main concern of the employees or the persons responsible. lack of time, date and neglect are often factors in order to prevent construction accidents. work to meet the potentially dangerous conditions in all workplaces in this part-time work must notify their team leader or supervisory jobs, and additional precautions.

Monitoring of security, particularly in hazardous occupations such as construction, is his reward.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

New York Construction Accident: Heavy Machinery and Construction Site Accidents

Although the number of accidents in construction declined last year, reports continue to distribute nationally and internationally, in connection with serious injuries or deaths in construction accidents. While many of these stories of workers involved at the scene, such as building collapses, scaffolding failures and drop from great heights, it seems that a growing number of reports on projects for the construction of heavy equipment accidents. Thus, especially in large commercial and residential projects, they often use the structure support larger and heavier construction materials, heavy equipment is often used to accelerate the transition process, New York Construction Accident, and, sometimes, the installation of these materials.

These machines are a threat only to safety, construction worker, because there are several possible malfunctions that could provide examples of current construction accident.Several to light the potential danger of heavy engineering. Skating, also known as Lynx or a front loader is a common, New York Construction Accident, site for the building, used to transport large quantities of dirt or other heavy materials., New York Construction Accident, Moving the machine is less of an excavator or land of others is a useful tool for major construction sites.

Truck operator can put his friends and himself at risk if this machine is used improperly. Over the last three cases, these machines are responsible for serious injuries, and in two cases fatality.In Alberta, Canada, the two men were at work digging the foundation, when the sleigh overturned and both nailed down. The men were rescued by emergency services and taken to hospital. In the tragic case here in the United States, a young man who went to work for his father died when he fell from his knees when he was riding on skates.

Preliminary reports indicate that the child was thrown from the car, while his father was a backup and then shot in the head with a bucket full of mud. In another accident with a skate, man fell seven floors in one of the vehicles during their involvement in subversive activities in the small car and agile Chicago.These, certainly not the only vehicles involved in serious accidents in the construction industry. Although not as common in small yards, cranes and continue to play an important role in helping workers when working with lifting heavy pieces of building materials, such as beams and girders supporting floor.

Crane accidents are a significant part of construction accidents. In a recent case in New York, a man died when the arm of the crane fell and crushed the operator, while working on deck. The reports give no indication of what caused the boom to collapse. Crane accidents can be caused by various factors or malfunction. In international news, reports from the crane collapse that killed seven people working on the railways in India were released in a few weeks ago.Often, builders place injury compensation claim through legal remedies.

It is desirable that an employee or family member who was injured on a construction site to contact an attorney experienced in construction accident incident to develop a planning application as possible

Saturday, February 13, 2010

New York Construction Accident: Analysis of Project Success Criteria and Success Factors

We have often heard or read about many successes. But what has happened and what criteria should be used to identify successful organizations? What factors lead to a successful project? The purpose of this document is to define criteria for the success of the project, to clarify their differences with the success factors and analyze their importance in project management methodology.One project design management lower the success project. Since each individual or group of persons involved in the project have different needs and expectations, it is very surprising that they interpret the project's success in its own way of understanding (Cleland & Ireland, 2004, P2).

"For those who are involved in the project, the project's success, usually viewed as the achievement of certain pre-defined project objectives" (Lim and Mohamed, 1999, p244) visits, while the audience has a different, often based on the satisfaction of users. A classic example in terms of success of the project is proposed by the Sydney Opera House (Thomsett, 2002), which was 16 times over budget and was 4 times more than originally expected. However, final results that were created by the work was so great that no one remembers the original goal missed.

The project was a great success for the people and at, New York Construction Accident, the same time, a huge failure in terms of project management. In addition, the Millennium Dome in London, was a project on time and within budget, but in the eyes of the British people is considered a failure because it has not achieved the admiration and enchantment,, New York Construction Accident, which should generate (Cammack, 2005). "In the same way that quality requires compliance with specifications and suitability for use, the project's success requires a combination of successful product (service, result or outcome), and good project management" (Duncan, in 2004).

The difference between the criteria and factors for many people is blurred. Criterion Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary describes it as a standard "by which a court decision or do something", and a factor that is explained as "a fact or situation which influence the outcome of something. Lim & Mohamed 's application of these definitions for a successful project and demonstrates the difference, as shown in Figure 1. It 'has become clear that the critical factors that could lead to a series of events that finally meets the criteria for the overall success of the project and therefore should not be used as a synonym lists CriteriaMany terms.

Success success criteria have been introduced in the previous decade, several investigators. Primal criteria for success are an integral part of the theory of project management, since the original definition of project management provides the so-called "iron triangle of success criteria - cost, time and money. (Atkinson, 1999, P338), Atkinson notes that "as a discipline, project management, it is, New York Construction Accident, not really changed or developed criteria for measuring success in almost 50 years.

" To meet the urgent need to modernize the date of the criteria for success, which suggests the Plaza map '(Fig. 3) the criteria for success, not the "iron triangle" in which groups of criteria that other scientists suggested. The main change is the addition of qualitative rather than quantitative targets, ie profits that different groups of people who can benefit from this project. These benefits are seen from two perspectives, one from an organizational point of view and one from the perspective of stakeholders.

It 'clear that each party will benefit the project in different ways. For example, non-profit organization can be gained through the achievement of strategic objectives after the completion of the project, and at the same time that these objectives, New York Construction Accident, have serious environmental consequences for the community of stakeholders. This means that the project is successful, there must be an agreement between the benefits of organizational and end user satisfaction. fourth corner of the root "square" information system that includes issues of service, reliability and validity of the project outcomes.

One "square root" angle, organizational benefits, attract attention because it is important and has been analyzed. Kerzner (2001, P6) offers three criteria, in terms of organization for the successful project. The first will be completed with a minimum of common agreement or framework for change, "despite the constant stakeholders have different views on the outcome of the project" (Maylor, 2005, P288). Secondly, without changing

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Three men working on construction meet New York Construction Accident

Three men working on construction sites unsafe received a large settlement for the causes of construction accidents in New York. People of all undocumented workers on industrial sites in New York City and all three were seriously injured on the job. Two of them suffered injuries, disability, were crushed when part of their lower bodies falling objects. The third man burned when the pipe exploded while site.According on the plumbing for the building of the prosecutor of Wall Street for the three men, Brian O'Dwyer worked, "all three cases involve the construction and very dangerous conditions job.

" And indeed, this case is no exception for the experience of many undocumented workers, most undocumented workers are often forced to miss in situations of danger or risk of working their job. This trend is worrying the United States is growing, as construction work has become more difficult to find among the national economic crisis. Of course, dangerous working, New York Construction Accident, conditions will inevitably lead to more construction accidents, sad and disturbing fact, since many of those involved in the construction field.

Executive director Joel Magallanes of Asociacion Tepeyac, a group in order to protect the rights of migrants, said that even if construction work is often dangerous, undocumented workers can work in areas that lack sufficient information for security, regulatory compliance, OSHA, and any necessary warnings. According to different studies, both by non-local non-profit, national researchers, violations of workers on construction sites are very popular. Among those whose owners had no serious injuries or death caused by dangerous working conditions, in particular a large number of immigrant workers suffered represented.

In light of recent allegations against the, New York Construction Accident, contractor and accident rates grew, the positive aspects of tradgedy, which occurs so often dangerous construction sites. With the victories of three undocumented workers, opportunities for workers who are injured on construction sites to maintain a proper balance is greater. The three men were a total of 3.85 million U.S. dollars for compensation between them, they say that money will be used to support, New York Construction Accident, their families, pay for costly medical expenses or to continue their wounds dreams.

Construction site remains one of Despite the accidents more dangerous security improvements in almost all sectors. These injuries can be serious damage or potentially fatal. In addition, workers compensation insurance, may not be sufficient to cover medical expenses, expenses and debts that were accumulated during recovery. In this context, it is essential that workers were injured when a construction accident compensation through appropriate channels, how to contact a lawyer at work, when they stop the law